A records process model offers benefits to any organization that is moving towards electronic record keeping. Today’s government agencies and commercial organizations are actively deploying more and more mobile applications which generate lots of data that becomes evidentiary information that substantiates as a Business Record. The volume of data being generated from Mobile Devices and Applications as well as electronic information created by Enterprise Information Systems provides the foundation for managing the business processes that generate Electronic Records.
It also provides the framework that governs the records life cycle for all content created from a variety of Record Generating Business Processes across the agency. This would include Common Record Generating Events such as performance reviews, time sheets, and travel authorizations as well as specific, Mission Essential Record Generating Events such as Vital Records/Disaster Recovery Events, Records Transfer and Dispositioning, and Records Audit.

A business process governs how work gets done that facilitates a service, transaction or information exchange that produces a tangible result. Obviously, a “Records Management Process” defines the inputs, outputs, and information interactions that govern a sequenced set of functional actions that produce a business record. In this case, the result is a federal record.
The Records Management Office within the Office of Management and Technology has currently a fixed set of Record Generating Processes that it owns but is responsible for the capture and life cycle management of all SAMHSA’s federal records that originate and terminate from a variety of information systems, applications, interfaces, 3rd party services, and devices.
This increased generation of electronic information must be correctly and orderly captured, managed, and imported into an official record-keeping system for effective electronic records and information management. Today’s current government agency or commercial Record Keeping System and Architecture are not set up to handle a perceived high volume of electronic information classified as an official Business Record.
A Records Process Model will help manage the flow and identification of official records and provide a management overlay of electronic information governance and life cycle.
The M-19-21 (now M-23-07) Presidential Directive calls for all federal agencies to make the transition to Electronic Record Keeping for permanent and temporary records with the associated metadata. A Records Process Model can be used to help structure the inventory collection, distribution of metadata, and orderly movement of records across the federal records life cycle from capture through final disposition.
Let The Records Management Professional provide the advisory and consultative services to guide the transition to Electronic Record Keeping Operations for your organization. A Records Process Model will provide the governance controls and management structure to avoid capturing and retaining all forms of electronic data as an official record, thereby reducing Electronic Information Clutter stored in your local data center and cloud-based repositories.